GORE® Membrane Technology vs. Non-Membrane Media: Industrial Baghouse Filters

Technical Information, United States,
Learn the differences between membrane and non-membrane filter media. GORE Membrane Technology provides longer bag life, lower emissions rates, lower pressure drops and better has throughput.

Non-Membrane Depth Filtration
Filtering Mode
- Dust is filtered inside of filter media
- Internal dust cake buildup required
- Particles enter into filter media and can pass through
- Might not filter finest particles
- Efficiency requires careful balance between filter, particulate, and system conditions
Cleaning Mode
- Difficult to remove particles, only surface dust cake is removed
- Dust deep inside media can cause higher Dp and blinding with time
- Dust buildup inside media can lead to emissions after cleaning

Membrane Surface Filtration
Filtering Mode
- Dust filtered at membrane surface
- No dust cake buildup required
- No particles enter backer
- Capable of submicron filtration
- Maintains capture efficiency over wide range of system conditions
Cleaning Mode
- Almost all dust falls off membrane surface
- Particles do not build up inside backer
- Surface is hydrophobic, even wet dust cakes can still be handled
GORE™ Membrane Efficiency and Versatility
Membrane (500x)

Surface Filtration
Uniform membrane structure allows higher efficiency.
Non-Membrane (500x)

Depth Filtration
Dust still penetrates into backer and is trapped.
GORE has developed a family of membranes for use in industrial filtration applications

GORE® Traditional Membrane for versatility

GORE Membrane for rugged environments

GORE Membrane optimized for both airflow and durability

GORE Membrane optimized for both durability and efficiency
GORE Membrane Performance Charts
GORE Membrane Filters are not just cleanable, they are also more efficient and last longer.

Not for use in food, drug, cosmetic or medical device manufacturing, processing, or packaging operations.