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Products (36 Results) Products (36 Results)
Automotive Vents for Exterior Lighting

GORE® Automotive Vents for Exterior Lighting

Our automotive adhesive vents can help OEMs and Tiers enhance component reliability and longevity by offering life-of-vehicle condensation reduction, pressure equalization and ingress protection for headlamp, rear lamp, fog lamp and accessory lamp assemblies.

GORE® Leaky Feeder Antennas For Civil Aircraft

GORE® Leaky Feeder Antennas for Civil Aircraft

Airline passengers expect uninterrupted Internet access. Gore Leaky Feeder Antennas provide reliable connectivity to a variety of wireless systems, including picocells for mobile phone coverage and access points for airborne Wi-Fi. 

Microwave/RF Assemblies for Civil Aircraft

GORE® Microwave/RF Assemblies for Civil Aircraft

Ka-Band / Ku-Band Applications

High-frequency Gore assemblies ensure optimal electrical and mechanical performance for the duration of the aircraft. We manufacture durable assemblies in compact, flexible designs with robust connector options that are ideally suited for conduit installation or areas that require little to no maintenance activity.

General Purpose Test Solutions

GORE® Microwave/RF Assemblies, General Purpose Test & Interconnect

Gore’s high-performance cable assemblies provide reliable, repeatable electrical performance with proven phase and amplitude stability. Our robust, lightweight assemblies are extremely flexible and facilitate easier handling and routing for improved installation.

Waste to Energy Baghouse Filters

Filter Bags for the Waste-to-Energy Industry

Incineration plants and other manufacturers in the waste-to-energy industry must control air pollutant emissions while also controlling costs. GORE® Filter Bags offer reliable solutions for capturing particulates and destroying volatile pollutants, providing near-zero emissions at a lower overall cost of ownership.

Cement industry

Filter Bags for the Cement Industry

Increased environmental regulations, such as NESHAP, are forcing cement producers to comply with strict measures for emissions control. GORE® Filter Bags ensure reliable, continuous compliance with membrane-based filter technology proven to increase airflow and productivity.
