Consumer attitude are strongly in favor of water resistance for their phones.

  • 70% agree with the statement, consumers are wise to buy water-resistant phones.

  • 75% agree that phone manufacturers should make all their phones water resistant.

  • 62% agree that phone manufacturers that offer only water-resistant phones care more about their customers.

  • 68% agree that phones with high levels of water resistance are more durable.

Consumer Beliefs About Water Resistance

Venting - ME - Waterproof Persuasion Insight 5 - US 01

Gore commissioned a leading market research firm to conduct a survey of 5400 consumers in four countries (China, India, US and Korea) focused on smartphone ownership/usage patterns and attitudes about smartphone water resistance. An advanced statistical approach (adaptive choice based conjoint) was used to isolate and quantify the impact of 14 product features including brand, price and water resistance on the smartphone purchase decision. The survey was fielded in July/August 2019. Learn More