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Tubular back-pulse filters for lithium brine filtration

The unique microporous structure of Gore’s surface filters, overall geometry, and filter operation expertise offers a highly efficient and cost-effective means of eco-friendly lithium brine filtration.

Tubular Back-Pulse Filters Product Brochure

GORE® Membrane filter socks and GORE® Filter tube assemblies are highly efficient ePTFE membrane filters for use in tubular backpulse liquid filtration systems. They provide excellent filtration efficiency and economical performance in high flow rate and/or high feed solids applications.

Thumbnail for Reliable Acoustic Protection for Speakers PDF

스피커와 리시버는 개구부가 커서 물, 기타 액체 및 입자가 보다 쉽게 침투할 수 있습니다. 또한 스피커나 리시버 내에 영구자석을 설치해, 스피커 상단에 금속 입자가 쌓이게 만듭니다. 이러한 입자의 부피와 중량이 커지면 진동판에 의한 음압이 제한되어 심각한 음질 저하가 초래될 수 있습니다. 산업용 애플리케이션을 위한 GORE® 어쿠스틱 벤트는 이러한 음질 저하를 방지합니다. 고어는 음향 전문성과 혁신적인 멤브레인 기술을 결합하여 효과적으로 물, 기타 액체 및 입자의 침투를 차단하는 동시에, 벤트 성능, 음질 및 기기의 신뢰성을 개선해주는 신제품을 개발했습니다. 월등한 액체 차단 및 방진 성능을 제공하는 고어 시리즈 400 제품은 보호 성능과 음향 성능 간의 완벽한 조화를 이루어줍니다.

Gore & Fraunhofer Institute cable particulation study for cleanroom environments.

Particle generation from cables in cable chains is a complex problem for semiconductor cleanroom environments. GORE® Trackless High Flex Cables and GORE® High Flex Flat Cables from W. L. Gore & Associates can be reliably used in these environments requiring low particulation. Find out the results of the study by the Fraunhofer Institute in Germany.

Find out why Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) headlamps are especially vulnerable to condensation…and the best way to remedy that. Our 9-minute presentation has the answers you need.

Thumbnail Whitepaper

Für optimale Leistung und Haltbarkeit von elektronischen Geräten im Außenbereich. Damit elektronische Geräte im Außenbereich zuverlässig funktionieren, sind intakte Gehäusedichtungen von entscheidender Bedeutung. Whitepaper als PDF herunterladen.

GORE™ protein capture whitepaper comparability affinity chromatography

Comparability in both product quality and chromatographic process characteristics between a Protein A affinity capture membrane and a packed-bed resin reference was demonstrated using a set of proposed criteria. Product quality attributes and process impurities from a purified IgG1 monoclonal antibody cell culture harvest were comparable between Protein A resin and membrane affinity stationary phases, with the membrane demonstrating order-of-magnitude higher chromatographic productivity.


