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シンプルで費用対効果に優れる水銀/SO2 コントロール


データシート: GORE® プロテクテイブベント - 重機・農耕機用

ゴア® ベントは、繊細な電子機器を汚れ、水、熱、湿度から確実に保護し、重機・農耕機が過酷な使用条件下でも安定した性能を維持できるようにします。

Thumbnail image from cover of GORE Filtration Products brochure.

ゴア® フィルターバッグの特長である、粉体払い落し性能に優れ、差圧の低減にも貢献する多孔質PTFEメンブレンは、耐薬品性や耐熱性にも優れ、過酷な環境下でも長期間効果を発揮します。

Cover image of GORE Remedia Catalytic Filter Bags Brochure

ゴア® リメディア® 触媒フィルターバッグは従来の方式に比べ、確実かつ容易に、運用コストを抑えたダイオキシン除去対策を提供します。概要や特長、メリットなどの詳細はこちらからご覧いただけます。

GORE® Packaging Vents: Reliable Protection for Extreme Challenges and Everyday Applications

Venting solutions are essential to safely equalize pressure differences that could cause containers of liquid chemicals to deform, leak or burst. Learn why GORE® Packaging Vents are a safe, reliable solution to these problems.

Thumbnail of resource

Coal fired power plants in India are under regulatory pressure to reduce emissions of SO2, among other pollutants. In choosing flue gas desulfurization (FGD) solutions, plants must consider factors such as reagent cost, availability and handling, site space constraints, auxiliary power consumption, reaction byproduct disposal, fly ash preservation, and required outage time, in addition to overall cost and complexity to operate.

Saving power, water and maintenance costs

A simple switch to high-performance, long-life GORE® GFO® Packing Fiber can help plant and mill pumps to operate more efficiently, and enable significant savings in power, water and maintenance costs.

Sealants overview brochure

For more than 50 years, the Sealant Technologies Group of W. L. Gore & Associates has focused on the factors that enable more reliable sealing of piping systems, vessels, pumps and valves. Our singular focus has resulted in the development of innovative and top-performing gaskets and packings. We’ve also established a comprehensive technical services program, specially designed to help customers determine the best solutions for their toughest sealing applications.

Flyer: GORE Gasket Tape Series 1000 Overview

Contain aggressive media, protect glass-lined steel equipment, and reduce emissions.

Product Flyer: GORE® Universal Pipe Gasket (Style 800)

The GORE® Universal Pipe Gasket (Style 800) is the single, easy solution to the challenges of achieving and maintaining reliable seals in a wide variety of industrial flange and process media combinations. Reducing the chance of premature seal failure can enhance operational productivity and cost effectiveness, while providing greater peace of mind about safety and environmental concerns.