Case Study: Spreader Stoker; 10,000 acfm Filtering using GORE® Filter Bags

Case Studies, United States
Pressure drop has been reduced to five-inch w.g., allowing full-rated steam production (60,000 lbs/hr) to be attained. With GORE Membrane Filter Bags, compressed air pressure has been reduced to 50 psi, and the between-cleaning interval is three times longer.
Spreader Stoker; 10,000 acfm. Zurn pulse-jet baghouse in a slipstream from a mechanical separator. Air-to-cloth ratio was 5/1. Gas temperature was 400°F. The baghouse was added to the system to help reduce emissions in a non-attainment area.
Optimization Potential
An eight-inch pressure drop across the felted fiberglass filter bags resulted in frequent, vigorous cleaning and the development of holes from cage wear. The boiler operators had to reduce steam output to prevent smoking in the boiler room. The source was not in compliance with emission standards because of a visible plume. Particle size was 80 percent less than 2 . Bag life was only 4-6 months.
Installed 180 GORE membrane/ TEFLON® B fiberglass fabric filter bags.
Pressure drop has been reduced to five-inch w.g., allowing full-rated steam production (60,000 lbs/hr) to be attained. With GORE membrane filter bags, compressed air pressure has been reduced to 50 psi, and the between-cleaning interval is three times longer. Visible emissions have been reduced. Bag life has increased to 18-24 months.
Not for use in food, drug, cosmetic or medical device manufacturing, processing, or packaging operations.