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Empowering Smartwatch Advancements: A Waterproofing Triumph

Learn how Gore venting technology empowered the ODM of a well-known Chinese technology manufacturer to secure their role in a growing market. Discover how our in-depth knowledge helped to successfully develop their first waterproof smartwatch, all without compromising acoustic quality.



GORE Protective Vents for Gas Sensors

Learn how Gore and key manufacturers of electrochemical (EC) sensors have cultivated flourishing relationships for over 30 years to continuously improve Gas Sensor Technology.

Toyota case study powertrain

Learn why Toyota Motor Corporation chose to partner with GORE® Automotive Vents when other venting solutions could not meet Toyota’s performance requirements for a new e-axle containing lubricated gears and a higher-voltage e-motor. This Case Study outlines the associated challenges, solution and results — including an on-time product launch for Toyota.



Woman with earbuds in the rain

A Case Study on GORE® Acoustic Vents for TWS Earbuds: Learn how Gore Technology helped a renowned OEM of True Wireless Stereo (TWS) earbuds stand out from their competition by providing acoustic performance never before experienced.

Quick and Easy Solution Averts Commercial Sales Stoppage

Learn how we provided a global player in audio products with an efficient solution to minimize a lengthy commercial sales stoppage of wireless headphones.



