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Sealed electronic enclosures, such as housings for outdoor residential battery modules, are susceptible to damage from moisture ingress. In this series of webinars presented by Gore's experienced protective venting team, learn strategies to protect batteries and sensitive electronic components from damage.

Tubular back-pulse filters for lithium brine filtration

The unique microporous structure of Gore’s surface filters, overall geometry, and filter operation expertise offers a highly efficient and cost-effective means of eco-friendly lithium brine filtration.

Tubular Back-Pulse Filters Product Brochure

GORE® Membrane filter socks and GORE® Filter tube assemblies are highly efficient ePTFE membrane filters for use in tubular backpulse liquid filtration systems. They provide excellent filtration efficiency and economical performance in high flow rate and/or high feed solids applications.

Gore & Fraunhofer Institute cable particulation study for cleanroom environments.

Particle generation from cables in cable chains is a complex problem for semiconductor cleanroom environments. GORE® Trackless High Flex Cables and GORE® High Flex Flat Cables from W. L. Gore & Associates can be reliably used in these environments requiring low particulation. Find out the results of the study by the Fraunhofer Institute in Germany.

Find out why Battery Electric Vehicle (BEV) headlamps are especially vulnerable to condensation…and the best way to remedy that. Our 9-minute presentation has the answers you need.

GORE™ protein capture whitepaper comparability affinity chromatography

Comparability in both product quality and chromatographic process characteristics between a Protein A affinity capture membrane and a packed-bed resin reference was demonstrated using a set of proposed criteria. Product quality attributes and process impurities from a purified IgG1 monoclonal antibody cell culture harvest were comparable between Protein A resin and membrane affinity stationary phases, with the membrane demonstrating order-of-magnitude higher chromatographic productivity.

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Does your Headlamp Design Delay Condensation Clearing?

clear visibility white paper lighting automotive

Protection Against Condensation

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Optimizing the performance and durability of outdoor electronics. For electronic equipment to function reliably outdoors, intact sealing of the enclosure is vitally important. Download White Paper as PDF.

Toyota case study powertrain

Learn why Toyota Motor Corporation chose to partner with GORE® Automotive Vents when other venting solutions could not meet Toyota’s performance requirements for a new e-axle containing lubricated gears and a higher-voltage e-motor. This Case Study outlines the associated challenges, solution and results — including an on-time product launch for Toyota.