Performance Over Time

With more than 75% of the industries microwave cables failing within one year of installation and majority of cable replacements occurring once a year or more than once a year, Gore's assemblies are the long-lasting, proven solutions that will decrease total operating costs by reducing cable replacement, retesting, and recalibration.
GORE® Microwave/RF Test Assemblies ensure precise, repeatable measurements for the life of your test equipment. The long-lasting, reliable performance of these durable assemblies delivers low loss, reduces total cost of test, and improves system reliability. With excellent phase and amplitude stability with flexure, wide operating temperature range, and crush and torque resistance, Gore assemblies decrease total operating costs by reducing cable replacement, retesting, and recalibration.

Provides exceptional performance for precision test applications with frequencies through 70 GHz and with constant and/or highly repetitive cable movement.

For test applications that require precise, repeatable measurements. Provides excellent phase and amplitude stability with flexure. Find out more about the new Type 0N — the smallest, lightest, most rugged assembly on the market today, with stable performance up to 50 GHz for multi-port VNAs.

Small, flexible, and proven reliable in major commercial, military, and space programs.

Engineered to withstand the frequent torque, bending, and shaking common to test and manufacturing floor environments.

Designed to satisfy the specification requirements of the next generation of military and commercial aircraft.

More than 30 years of failure-free flight performance in 80+ spaceflight programs.