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Lagerungs- und Gebrauchshinweise

Diese kurze Anleitung informiert Sie über die richtige Lagerung und Handhabung unserer Belüftungselemente für eine dauerhafte und leckagefreie Funktion.

Instructions de stockage et de manipulation

Ce court guide résume les règles à suivre en matière de stockage et de manipulation de nos évents GORE pour assurer une performance durable et sans fuite.

Voir en PDF (en anglais)

Raccomandazioni di immagazzinaggio e manipolazione

Questa guida sintetica descrive le modalità di immagazzinaggio e manipolazione dei nostri sistemi di sfiato per garantire prestazioni durature e senza perdite.

Visualizza Come PDF (in inglese)

Storage and Handling Recommendations for Packaging Vents in Molded Component Form

This brief guide outlines behavior for storing and handling GORE® Plug-In Vents to ensure long-lasting, leak-free performance.

Installation, Storage and Handling Guidelines for Packaging Vents in Liner Form

This document outlines how to properly install and maintain pulp and induction liners to ensure peak performance and shelf life.

Application Testing Recommendations for GORE® Packaging Vents in Pulp Induction Liner Form

This guide outlines recommendations for test preparation, installation, storage and handling while briefly explaining how pulp induction liners work.

Application testing for GORE® Packaging Vents Molded Components

This one-page document provides visual, step-by-step instructions for testing our molded components in your application.

Installation Guidelines

Installation Guide for Plug-In Vents

Installation Guides, 277.2 KB

Gore’s Plug-in Vents enable fast, easy press-fit and snap-fit integration using either manual or automated installation methods. These installation guidelines are recommended to ensure a leak-tight fit in most commercially-available PP and PE plastic closures.

Linee guida per l'installazione

Contiene disegni e dimensioni dei componenti unitamente a informazioni utili per garantire una tenuta senza perdite. L'installazione può essere completata manualmente o a macchina.

Pautas de instalación

Contienen dibujos y dimensiones de las piezas, así como prácticas indicaciones para garantizar un ajuste hermético. La instalación puede realizarse a mano o a máquina.