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The Asheville, NC Metropolitan Sewerage District treatment plant has upgraded its Incineration system with the GORE Mercury Control System to ensure full compliance with EPA mercury emissions standards.  After a comparative analysis, Gore’s system was determined to be simple, efficient, and the most cost effective solution, saving the plant $5M-plus along with helping to meet new stringent emissions standards.

Article: A Complete Mercury Control System

As mercury emission challenges arise in cement plants, the GORE Mercury Control System provides a complete solution when other measures fail.

Supplement to "World Cement," distributed at the 2017 IEEE-IAS/PCA Conference.

Article: The Mission Against Mercury and Its Impact on the Cement Industry

Under Article 8 of the Minamata Convention, the cement industry is obligated to reduce mercury pollution around the globe. The GORE Mercury Control System is a simple, low cost, low maintenance solution for mercury control – offering guaranteed compliance with the strictest mercury emissions limits.