Don’t Let Condensation Overrun
Your Validation Schedules and Costs
There is never a good time for headlamp condensation to appear. Especially not right at the beginning, when the timeline for validation is tight, and every failure to pass a test means…go back and try it again. Or when “try it again” really means “now figure out something else, because this still is not working.” Which means re-starting the development clock. And re-calculating all your development cost projections and schedules.
Solving headlamp condensation doesn’t have to take forever.
Turn to Gore’s proven solutions for condensation management.
Our technologies have led the way in venting automotive exterior lighting across global platforms, for decades. We were first to introduce condensation management to venting products… a technology we’ve continued to advance.
Today, we’re continuing to develop new solutions to advance condensation management in your high-value headlamp assemblies.
Our solutions also protect assembly integrity by blocking ingress of liquids and contaminants, and rapidly equalizing the pressure imbalances that stress seals.
Contact us to learn more about managing headlamp condensation.
Call +49 89 4612 2211 or email us using the form below.